Nightcap Travel

Take a deep dive; change your life.

I love the feeling at the end of a travel day where I saw amazing things, felt new feelings about a place, smelled and tasted another world and learned something new. I gratefully celebrate the experience and hospitality of travel. How? With a nightcap, of course. Your ‘nightcap’ may be a glass of champagne, a snifter of brandy, a lovely cup of decaf tea, or nothing but a feeling. It’s like punctuation at the end of the day and the promise of a fresh day tomorrow.

I selected Viking for all their virtues and inclusions. My experience with them has been everything one wants travel to be. Affiliating with Viking is easy, and Nightcap Travel takes easy to a new level with our unique experience. Your memories are noted, expressed in words and images, even used to create personal, wonderful art for your home and for sharing.

What do you get when you take the number one cruise line experience with everything included and add more to it with the lowest price guaranteed. Nightcap Travel. Have one on us.
— Susan Lucas Hoffman

The Idea

Is now the time to begin a journey of self-discovery and creativity with a journaling practice?


I like my travel journals to be colourful, creative and fun to flip through. Recording memories is key but I don’t want to spend half my travel time writing down facts and figures. When I open it months or years later I want to remember how a place or experience made me feel and not to have it read like Wikipedia.


Using photos to tell a story brings journaling to the next level. Designed to preserve life's moments through writing and images, the photo journal included with your journey was created in collaboration with legendary bookmaker Appointed and pairs with photo stickers. Simple layouts provide the perfect amount of structure to get started with free space to allow for creativity and customization.